Innovative solutions and professional service for industrial weighing technology

ESSMANN | Waagen & Automation has been an innovator in industrial and commercial scales since 1860

Customer testimonials

HE Wägetechnik Horst Eßmann GmbH hat 4,61 von 5 Sternen 68 Bewertungen auf

Industry is the driving force of civilization. It thrives when all producers are reliable and skilled.

Albert Eßmann, 1857-1929, founder

“We are very satisfied with the planning, execution and support from the ESSMANN team, everything went smoothly on site too!”

– Holger Tschech, Managing Director Steinebach Chemicals

ESSMANN – The company

Since 1860, the name ESSMANN has stood for innovation and precision in weighing technology. Our scales – from ultra-micro scales to rail scales – are used all over the world, many of them for decades. Our customers and partners value our commitment, our reliability and our service.
Get to know us.

Essmann Scales Magazine

Mobile Waagenplattform Dini Argeo, auf der die Ecke einer Palette steht. Daneben liegt eine schwere mit Kette und rotem Haken auf dem Boden.

Truck scales to go: Dini Argeo wheel load and axle load scales in mobile logistics applications

Mobile Dini Argeo wheel load and axle load scales have established themselves in many industries and authorities as indispensable tools for accurately determining vehicle weights. …

