AGRITECHNICA 2001 – Review
Agritechnica 2001, which took place for the 9th time from November 13 to 17, is the largest European agricultural technology exhibition. The more than 1,300 exhibitors from 30 countries presented the complete range of technology for modern agriculture. The exhibitors showed a range of products for the most diverse production conditions: From high-tech to simple, robust machines and equipment.
This year, the exhibition area increased by almost four percent to 196,000 m2. Agritechnica 2001 clearly exceeded expectations. With 247,497 visitors, Agritechnica 2001 recorded a record attendance. That is another 9.5% more than in 1999.
Our company was also pleasantly surprised by the large number of qualified inquiries. In the countless consultations with interested parties, we were able to establish that there is a very high demand for “calibratable” scales in the agricultural sector. Two calibrated truck scales were already sold during the trade fair. The HE-TS truck scales exhibited by us, which can be mounted directly on an existing asphalt, paved or concrete surface without special foundations and are of course also “calibratable”, attracted particular attention from visitors.
Our EWP-SWW program for controlling transfer scales used for receiving and delivering grain also attracted a great deal of attention. Many of the interested parties were mill operators and plant manufacturers. The software is state of the art and communicates with the actual scales via a computer network. This makes it very easy to integrate the scales into an existing IT structure.
Impressions AGRITECNICA 2001