ESSMANN Scales Magazine

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Computer networks worldwide use the leading cabling standard Ethernet and the uniform protocol standard TCP/IP. Computers, servers, printers and routers are already integrated into such a network. Most buildings today have complete Ethernet cabling. So why not integrate the scales and their peripherals directly into the network? To promote the integration of this network technology for weighing technology, ESSMANN | Waagen & Automation Horst Eßmann, Hamburg, has developed the “EWS-W” weighing electronics.

This makes HE Wägetechnik the first manufacturer to successfully combine verifiable measurement signal processing and Ethernet TCP/IP network technology. The device processes the signal of all conventional scales with strain gauge load cells. Thanks to its fast processing speed, EWS-W is also ideal for time-critical processes, such as dosing on scales.

The device is connected to the in-house network using a standard RG 45 patch cable. Communication takes place using alien TCP/IP protocols such as http, FTP, UDP, Telnet and e-mail. The internal web server provides a dynamic HTML user interface that can be accessed with any standard web browser.

ESSMANN | Waagen & Automation offers the EWP-COM scale driver for direct connection or integration into an existing application. The program allows communication with any number of connected scales. The Scale99 program is available for the scale driver. This displays the current measured value in real time as well as various status information from the evaluation unit. In addition, zeroing and taring of the indicator can be carried out with a simple mouse click.

Published in:
“Die Industrie der Steine+Erden”, issue 6/2002


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