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ESSMANN | Waagen & Automation has developed an entry and exit area with two automatic vehicle scales, license plate recognition, EWP weighing software, cameras and barriers for a customer that uses innovative technologies for the production of functional fibers.

The customer gives other industrial companies access to the diverse functions of natural materials through the use of innovative plant fiber technology. Functional products are manufactured from cellulose, cereal and fruit fibers as well as wood fibers. Depending on requirements, these are processed into fine fibers, compacts, granulates, blends or special dosage forms.

Requirements for the entrance/exit area

Our customer has been successfully using our EWP weighing software for many years to record and process the weight data of incoming and outgoing trucks.

As part of a redesign of the entrance/exit area, the handling of trucks was to be fully automated. For this purpose, ESSMANN | Waagen & Automation supplied two HE-SFK truck scales with side upstand, barrier solution, traffic lights, license plate recognition and EWP weighing software.

Implementation of the vehicle scales with license plate recognition

The EWP weighing software determines the process. The dispatchers enter the data of the hauliers’ incoming trucks in advance. The driver drives his truck up to the closed barrier of the truck scale with side upstand. The license plate number is automatically recorded and determined without the need for user intervention. Weighing is started and the weighing data is added to the master data record. The barrier then opens and the traffic light switches to green.

Our license plate recognition software has a modular structure. As soon as it is started, it analyzes the images from one or more network cameras and supplies the vehicle license plate to the higher-level EWP weighing software on request. This happens automatically and without user intervention. The software works independently and reliably in the background.

The software supports license plate recognition on up to four cameras. If desired, country license plates for all countries worldwide can be supported. A status window displays details of the current recognition results. A settings window can be used to make extensive adjustments to specific local conditions.

Fast license plate recognition is initiated by the rough search. Only when this detects a vehicle movement does the license plate recognition start and deliver the license plate to the higher-level EWP weighing software. No induction loops or light barriers are required to trigger the system. This eliminates considerable effort and costs during installation.

Even distant license plates can be detected without any problems. This function is very powerful and allows the camera to be positioned flexibly. Depending on the image resolution of the camera, distances of 5 to 20 meters are possible. In principle, all network cameras that can display the license plate in sufficient resolution can be used. Communication with the camera is fully automated by the software.

Network cameras and barriers

The network cameras make it possible to monitor the weighbridges (vehicle status). The current image is displayed on the PC workstation or via a browser on any other PC in the network. The HE-Webcam software can also be used to save still images for each weighing operation on the weighing workstation.

The barrier is a complete solution for access and/or exit control at truck scales or on company premises. In addition to the design, the high level of basic functionality is impressive, allowing almost all requirements to be met.

Products in this article

Automatic license plate recognition at the vehicle scales
Entrance area with weighbridge, barrier and camera for license plate recognition
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Example of the use of a truck scale with two driver self-service columns.
Example of the use of an HE-SFK underfloor truck scale with two driver self-service columns.
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Digital remote display for displaying the weight with optional traffic light display and ticker.
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