In response to the frequently asked question in the past, we would like to take this opportunity to inform all interested parties that weighbridges do not require planning permission. As building law is a matter for the individual federal states, we have compiled the legal basis for each federal state in a list below.
State Building Regulations for the State of Schleswig-Holstein (LBO)
in the version published on January 10, 2000 Part Five: Building Supervisory Authorities and Administrative Procedures Section 69 Projects exempt from approval and notification (1) The construction, manufacture and modification of the following structures and other installations and facilities shall not require a building permit or building notification: 42. truck scales.
Hamburg Building Exemption Ordinance (BauFreiVO)
of January 5, 1988 (Hamburgisches Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt page 1) with the amendments of September 25, 1990, November 29, 1994 and January 21, 1997 (Hamburgisches Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt 1990 page 216, 1994 pages 301, 303, 1997 page 10). January 1997 (Hamburgisches Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt 1990 page 216, 1994 pages 301,303,1997 page 10)
§ 1 Scope of application
(1) This ordinance exempts the erection, alteration and demolition of the structures listed in Sections I to VI and VIII to XV of the Annex from the requirement for approval pursuant to § 60 (1) HBauO, and from the requirement for approval under the conditions specified in the Annex.
VI Structures in designated commercial and industrial areas
6. Truck scales
Lower Saxony Building Regulations (NBauO)
of July 13, 1995 (GVBl. p. 199) with the Act Amending the Lower Saxony Building Code of May 28, 1996 and the Eighth Act Amending the Lower Saxony Building Code of October 6, 1997 PART X: Approval Procedure October 1997
PART X: Approval procedure
Section 69 Construction measures not requiring approval
The structures and parts of structures listed in the Annex may be erected or added to and altered without a building permit within the limits specified therein.
Annex – Structures and parts of structures not requiring approval 14 Other structures and parts of structures
14.9 Truck scales
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State Building Regulations (LBauO M-V)
Announcement of the new version of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State Building Regulations (LBauO M-V) dated May 6, 1998 § 65 Other projects not requiring approval
(1) The construction and modification of the following structures, other facilities and equipment do not require a building permit: Other structures and parts of structures
67. Truck scales
Bremen State Building Regulations (BremLBO)
and Amendment of the Bremen State Roads Act of March 27, 1995 (GVBl. p. 211) PART 5: Building regulation authorities and administrative procedures § 65 Projects not requiring approval (1) The construction and modification of the structures, other installations and facilities listed in the Annex do not require a building permit.
Annex (to Section 65): Projects not requiring approval
12.7 Truck scales
Brandenburg Building Code (BbgBO)
Announcement of the new version of the Brandenburg Building Code dated March 25, 1998 PART 6: Administrative procedures SECTION 1: Projects requiring approval and projects not requiring approval § 67 Projects not requiring approval (10) No building permit is required for the construction or modification of the following other structural facilities:
8. Vehicle scales
Building Regulations of the State of Saxony-Anhalt (BauO LSA)
Act on the Building Regulations of the State of Saxony-Anhalt and amending the Engineering Act and the Surveying and Cadastre Act of 23 June 1994 PART 5: Building supervisory authorities and administrative procedures Section 67 Projects not requiring a building permit (1) No building permit shall be required for the construction and modification of the following structures, other installations and facilities: 12. Other structures and parts of structures i) Truck scales
Building Regulations for Berlin (BauO Bln)
as amended on September 3, 1997, GVBI. 1997 No. 38, p. 421, Article III: Amendment of the Building Code for Berlin dated May 17, 1999 with Article II: Amendment of the Building Code for Berlin dated June 12, 1999 PART V: Building Supervisory Authorities and Administrative Procedures § 56 Projects exempt from approval (1) The construction, manufacture or modification of the following structures, other installations and facilities does not require a building permit 11. Other structures and parts of structures e) Truck scales
Building regulations for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia
Landesbauordnung – (BauO NRW) in the version published on March 1, 2000 Second section: Projects requiring approval and projects not requiring approval § 65 Projects not requiring approval (1) The erection or modification of the following structures and other installations and facilities within the meaning of § 1 para. 1 sentence 2 does not require a building permit: Other structures and facilities 47. Vehicle scales
Rhineland-Palatinate Building Regulations (LBauO)
of November 24, 1998 Part Six: Procedures § 62 Projects not requiring a permit (1) Notwithstanding any permit required under other regulations, no building permit shall be required for the erection, construction, installation, attachment or modification of the following structures, other facilities and equipment: 11. other structures and parts of structures h) truck scales
Hessian Building Regulations (HBO)
Version of 19 December 1994 (GVBl No. 32, p. 655) with the amendment to the Hessian Building Code of 27.2.1998 5 PART: Building supervisory authorities and administrative procedures § 63 Projects requiring building permits 12 Other structural installations and parts of structural installations d) Truck scales
Saxon Building Code (SächsBO)
(promulgated as Art. of the Act on the Simplification of Building Law in the Free State of Saxony of March 18, 1999, SächsGBl. 1999, p. 85; the BauO came into force after 01.05.1999) Part Five – Building Supervisory Authorities and Administrative Procedures Section 63a Projects not requiring planning permission (1) No planning permission is required for the construction and modification of the following structures, other installations and facilities: 11. other structures and parts of structures h) weighbridges
New announcement of the Thuringian Building Code (ThürBO)
of June 3, 1994 PART 5: Building supervisory authorities and administrative procedures Section 63 Projects not requiring a permit (1) The construction, manufacture, modification, removal or demolition of the following installations and facilities shall not require a building permit: 12. other structures and parts of structures: c) truck scales
Building regulations for the Saarland (LBO)
of March 27, 1996 (GVBl. p. 477) with Act No. 1413 amending the Saarland Building Code (LBO) of July 8, 1998 PART 6: Administrative procedure § 65 Projects exempt from approval (1) Notwithstanding any approval or other authorization required under other regulations, no building permit shall be required for the construction, erection, manufacture and modification as well as the repair and maintenance of the following structures and other facilities and equipment: 22. truck scales
State Building Regulations for Baden-Württemberg (LBO)
of August 8, 1995 (GVBl. p. 617) with the Act amending the State Building Code for Baden-Württemberg of December 15, 1997 8TH PART: Administrative procedures, building encumbrances § 50 Procedurally exempt projects (1) The construction of the installations and facilities listed in the Annex is procedurally exempt. Appendix (to § 50 Para. 1) Procedurally exempt projects 70. weighbridges
Bavarian Building Regulations (BayBO)
in the version published on August 4, 1997 with the correction of April 21, 1998 and the amendment of July 24, 1998 SIXTH PART: Procedure SECTION I: Projects requiring approval and projects not requiring approval Art. 63: Exemptions from the approval requirement for the construction and alteration (1) No approval is required for the construction and alteration 14. of the following other structures: c) insignificant structures or insignificant parts of structures, insofar as they are not already listed in numbers 1 to 13 and 14 letters a and b, such as house entrance canopies, terraces, machine foundations, truck scales, pergolas, hunters’ stands, game feeders, beehives up to a volume of 5 m³, pigeon houses, yard entrances and carpet poles.