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Industriebaustelle mit Waagenteilen und Kran

Dr.-Ing. Fabian Ehmke

Challenging project: WHG-compliant truck scales for chemical plant

HE-SFK, References, Truck scales

The ESSMANN scales construction team always comes into action when particularly challenging construction projects need to be mastered and very special requirements for truck scales need to be met. The delivery and installation of an ESSMANN HE-SFK underfloor truck scale was one such project that we recently completed successfully. The special feature: the WHG conformity of the truck scales and their installation under a canopy in the chemical plant of KLK EMMERICH GmbH.

The abbreviation WHG stands for Water Resources Act. This German law regulates the protection of water bodies and groundwater from pollution. WHG conformity therefore means that a product or system must meet the requirements of the Water Resources Act. In connection with truck scales, this is particularly relevant if they are used in areas where substances hazardous to water are handled. The site of the chemical plant of KLK EMMERICH GmbH is such an area.

Adaptation of the truck scales for particularly sensitive environments

The HE-SFK underfloor truck scale was manufactured in accordance with the very high requirements of our customer to comply with the strict specifications of the German Water Resources Act (WHG). A special aggregate was added to the concrete to prevent fine cracks, even under heavy loads, through which contaminated, water-polluting substances could seep into the ground. Joints required during construction were completely sealed using highly specialized silicones. All concrete surfaces can also be coated with a resin that seals the truck scales against chemicals that could attack the concrete. This measure was not necessary in this case.

These special measures may only be carried out by specially certified companies that can prove and guarantee safety and have the relevant approval documents.

Thanks to this special design, tankers with water-polluting substances can be loaded and unloaded directly on the WHG-compliant truck scales. This solution not only saves unnecessary journeys for empty and full weighing, but also significantly increases safety on the factory premises.

Installation of WHG-compliant truck scales under difficult conditions

The installation of the truck scales under a steel scaffold with a glass roof presented additional challenges. The massive scaffolding made of steel girders made the use of the truck crane demanding and required a great deal of experience and dexterity.

The complex process required frequent handling and the slow, gradual lifting of the precast concrete elements into the prepared pit. Thanks to the experience and professionalism of our service technician and the excellent cooperation with the company Autokrane Schares GmbHwhich was on site with two mobile cranes, this challenging project could be realized. The successful installation of the underfloor weighbridge was only possible thanks to the careful preparation and the high level of expertise of our team.

Bauarbeiter hebt Betonplatte mit Kran
Mobile crane lifts the foundation of a WHG-compliant truck scale into a prepared pit.

Modern technology for precise measurements

The weight values are displayed via a Siemens Siwarex weighing terminal, which ensures high accuracy and reliability. The weighing data is made available via an interface to the Siemens PLC controller, which enables seamless integration into the customer’s existing systems.

Cooperation with tradition and trust

KLK Emmerich, a company with a similarly long and successful history as history as ESSMANN, was an ideal partner for this project. Both companies share a tradition of excellence and trust, which greatly facilitated the implementation of this project. The truck scale will now make an important contribution to efficient, safe and accurate weight control and loading at KLK Emmerich’s chemical plant.

A look into the future

This project is further evidence of our ability to develop and implement tailor-made solutions for our customers, even under the most difficult conditions. At ESSMANN, we are proud of our long tradition and commitment to quality and innovation. We look forward to future challenges and to continuing to deliver the best solutions for our customers.

We would like to thank KLK Emmerich for their trust and excellent cooperation.

For more information about our products and services, please visit our website or contact us directly. contact us directly. We are always at your disposal. We hope we have given you an interesting insight into our work and the challenges of installing truck scales. Stay tuned for more exciting reports from the world of weighbridge engineering!

Products in this article

Example of the use of a truck scale with two driver self-service columns.
Example of the use of a HE-SFK truck scale with two driver self-service columns.
EWP ESSMANN weighing software with scale manufacturer Albert
The EWP weighing software from ESSMANN offers a high level of operating convenience and enables efficient working even with high vehicle volumes.
ESSMANN above-ground truck scales, photo: Klaus Hüber
For example, the HE-ÜWS truck scales in use.

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