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If you look at them through an electron microscope, they look like vacuum cleaner bags with legs. They live in seas, bogs and mosses, and they are probably currently the only only living creatures on the moonThe tardigrades.

The smallest of the tiny molting animals are only 0.05 millimeters long. But do we know how heavy they are? Are there scales that could be used to weigh a single tardigrade?

“Theoretically, yes,” confirms Dr. Fabian Ehmke, Managing Director at ESSMANN | Waagen & Automation. “With a high-precision, fine-resolution ultra-microbalance, the weight of a single tardigrade could be determined.”

Ultra-microbalances, the superbalances in laboratories

Ultra-microbalances are used in research laboratories, for example, and can weigh substances from 0.04 micrograms. A microgram (µg) corresponds to one millionth of a gram (0.000001 g) or one thousandth of a milligram. Examples of such substances can be tiny quantities of chemicals, biological samples or active pharmaceutical ingredients.

“To determine the weight of an active tardigrade, it must be placed in a humid environment, which must first be tared with its Petri dish. Since an ultra-microbalance, such as the UYA 6.5Y microbalance from Radwag, is capable of weighing with an accuracy of seven decimal places (0.1 µg), the weight of a tardigrade can therefore be determined theoretically.”

How does an ultra-microbalance work?

This is made possible by a highly sensitive load cell, which enables samples weighing up to 6.1 g to be weighed extremely accurately.

Most microbalances used in the laboratory, including ultra-microbalances, work on the principle of electromagnetic force compensation. A coil in a permanent magnetic field generates a counterforce that corresponds to the weight of the sample to be measured on the weighing pan.

This technology enables the ultra-microbalance to weigh extremely small quantities with exceptional accuracy. However, it is important to note that due to their high sensitivity, these scales must be operated in a controlled, contamination-free environment to minimize interference from factors such as temperature, air pressure and humidity.

Our recommendation: The UYA 6.5Y microbalance

The UYA 6.5Y microbalance is manufactured in Europe by Radwag, one of the leading manufacturers of modern electronic scales and accessories. It is characterized by its exceptional accuracy and its ability to precisely weigh very small quantities.

The UYA 6.5Y microbalance has a weighing range from 0.04 mg (minimum sample weight, U=1%, k=2) to 6.1 g and a readability of 0.1 µg, which is the smallest readability in the world.

Special features of the UYA 6.5Y microbalance

The UYA 6.5Y microbalance has various features, such as an automatically opening, wind-protected weighing chamber and a fully automatic leveling system. It can verify the user using a password, RFID card, fingerprint reader, facial recognition mechanism or any combination of these. A 10-inch display provides all relevant information in one place and informs about maintenance requirements as well as regular checks of the scale’s accuracy and sensitivity.

Areas of application

Researcher in the clean room

Microbalances are often used in the pharmaceutical industry, research facilities and medical institutions as they are designed for weighing very small quantities of valuable samples. Their high precision and reliability make them an indispensable instrument for anyone who has to work with very small quantities.

Maintenance of an ultra-microbalance

Maintenance of an ultra-microbalance should always be carried out by a specialist company. Due to its high precision and sensitivity, even the smallest malfunctions or inaccuracies can affect the performance of the balance. A specialist company has the necessary know-how and equipment to ensure that the balance is correctly calibrated and functions optimally.

So if you would like to weigh a tardigrade, please contact us

So if you would like to weigh a tardigrade or other tiny and light substances, you are welcome to contact us. Our team will provide you with comprehensive adviceand will also assist you with the maintenance and repair of the scales after purchase.

Photo tardigrade: Llydia, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

Products in this article

Verified ultra-microbalance Radwag ELLIPSIS UYA-6.5Y

Verified ultra-microbalance Radwag ELLIPSIS UYA-6.5Y
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Analytical balance in the laboratory
In the ESSMANN balance store you will find a large selection of highly specialized laboratory balances.
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Verified microbalance Sartorius Cubis II MCA3.6P-2CEU-M - maximum capacity 3.1 g
Verified microbalance Sartorius Cubis II MCA3.6P-2CEU-M – maximum capacity 3.1 g
Find out more in the ESSMANN scale store

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