ESSMANN roller shutter control unit

Intelligent roller shutter control: efficiency and safety redefined

The intelligent roller shutter door control system revolutionizes access control and the optimization of your premises. Thanks to seamless integration into our software, you benefit from numerous advantages that significantly improve both the efficiency and security of your processes.

Optimized access control and smooth goods receipt:

  • Automatic identification: The identity of the supplier or vehicle is recognized automatically based on the license plate or order number.
  • Assigned access authorizations: Based on the data determined, the vehicle is automatically assigned the appropriate access authorizations.
  • Efficient roller shutter opening: The roller shutters open automatically without the driver having to intervene manually.
  • Shorter waiting times: Automated access control and roller shutter door opening minimize waiting times and speed up the goods receiving process.

Increased security and precise data acquisition:

  • Access control: Unauthorized access to the company premises is reliably prevented by automatic identification and access authorization.
  • Accident prevention: The roller shutters only open when the drive-through area is completely clear, thus preventing accidents caused by collisions with other vehicles or people.
  • Data linking: The data collected from the truck scales and roller shutter control system can be seamlessly linked to other systems such as ERP software or merchandise management systems.

The advantages at a glance:

  • Increasing efficiency: speeding up goods receipt, reducing waiting times and optimizing logistics processes.
  • Increased security: prevention of unauthorized access, minimization of accident risks and protection against theft.
  • Precise data recording: Automatic recording of vehicle weight and identification data for seamless documentation and control.
  • Process optimization: Linking data with other systems for comprehensive process optimization and intelligent control.

The intelligent roller shutter door control system is an investment in the future of your premises. It helps to increase the efficiency, safety and transparency of your processes and thus sustainably optimizes your logistics processes.

Scale builder tip: Yard management

Our individual and system solutions for yard management are versatile and can be flexibly configured to meet the specific needs of your premises.
