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ESSMANN | Waagen & Automation has realized the installation of a truck scale under a canopy for a customer in the food industry. Even this challenging installation situation is no problem for ESSMANN | Waagen & Automation!


The client is an international food manufacturer with over 80,000 employees. Its core business areas include the production of snacks, in particular cookies, chocolate and other sweets.

A truck scale was required in the entrance area of an existing customer site. This already had a weighing house with a canopy. The new HE-SFK underfloor vehicle scale was to be installed under this canopy.

Mounting the weighbridge under the canopy

In addition to the challenging installation situation due to the canopy, access to the scales pit is also difficult. Both long sides are not suitable for crane installation, one side has the weighing house and the other side cannot be used due to the property boundary. In addition, one front side is not suitable for crane installation due to the access road. Therefore, both cranes had to be placed on the same front side.

Foundation work

First, the pit for the truck scales was excavated on site according to drawings from ESSMANN | Waagen & Automation and the floor was prepared accordingly. Access to the weighing house was created for the empty conduits. To make it easier to crane the truck scales under the canopy later on, the pit was made wider for this purpose.

Pit for weighbridge under canopy
Construction of the pit for the weighbridge under the towing roof

Delivery and assembly of the first precast concrete foundation and the weighing platform

The first precast concrete foundation and the precast concrete platform must be positioned exactly according to the drawing and placed on the prepared ground. The service technician from ESSMANN | Waagen & Automation and the crane personnel form an excellent team that carries out the assembly in a short time.

As the first half of the truck scales is not under the canopy, it could be inserted from the front using a crane.

Craning the second precast concrete foundation into the preliminary position in the pit

The second half of the weighbridge, consisting of a precast concrete foundation and a precast concrete platform, was then craned into place. To do this, the precast foundation was first set down slightly offset in the wider excavated pit using a crane.

Craning in the precast concrete foundation and the precast concrete bridge under the canopy

The precast concrete foundation was craned from its preliminary position in the pit to its final position under the canopy using a lifting beam and two cranes. The second precast concrete bridge was also lifted into the foundation using the lifting beam. The length of the lifting beam was chosen so that it would exceed the width of the canopy and withstand the enormous loads of the concrete parts.

Do you also have a challenging installation situation or are you not sure whether the location of the truck scales is sufficient? We will be happy to help you.

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