ESSMANN Scales Magazine

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developments in weighing technology.

Virtual tour of the truck scales

Our customer Bestsort Hamburg GmbH & Co KG has created a digital tour of their waste sorting plant. We are particularly pleased that our HE-SFK truck scales are prominently displayed.

3D tour of the weighbridge

Take a virtual 3D tour of the sorting plant yourself. Follow the recyclable materials from weighing on the incoming scales to the outgoing scales and find out how materials are recycled.

Take a look around and tap on the info points or the video icons to get more information about the individual stations.

Bestsort Hamburg and ESSMANN | Waagen & Automation hope you enjoy your tour!

Modernization of truck scales

The truck scales shown in the virtual tour are from 2006, each designed as a dual-range scale (30t/50t).

In recent years, the scales have been modernized by ESSMANN | Waagen & Automation and thus equipped for the future. By modernizing and reusing the concrete parts (foundations and bridges), CO2 could be saved in contrast to a new building.

In this way, Bestsort and we are making a decisive contribution to achieving global climate protection targets!

Relevant products

Example of the use of a truck scale with two driver self-service columns.
Example of the use of a HE-SFK truck scale with two driver self-service columns.
EWP ESSMANN weighing software with scale manufacturer Albert
The EWP weighing software from ESSMANN offers a high level of operating convenience and enables efficient working even with high vehicle volumes.
ESSMANN above-ground truck scales, photo: Klaus Hüber
For example, the HE-ÜWS truck scales in use.

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