Weighing software | Bulk material solutions | Track area solutions | Yard management
Digital processes relating to industrial scales and yard management
In addition to our EWPsmart and EWP weighing applications, which have been tried and tested for decades and are constantly being developed further, with industry-specific and needs-adapted modules, ESSMANN Automation develops digital solutions for optimized logistics processes relating to system control and yard management. From access control and license plate and UIC number recognition to loading and unloading vehicles, controlling machines and securing people, we find the best solutions for your requirements.
Weighing software EWP
EWP – ESSMANN weighing programs – have been developed for demanding industrial requirements. They are used in power stations, ports, industrial parks, truck scales, rail scales and bulk scales, among others, and have a modular design for the various applications in the industrial sector.
Solutions for the
bulk solids industry
ESSMANN software enables the monitoring and control of production processes in the bulk solids processing industry. This ensures the quality of the end products. Intelligent filter and evaluation systems analyze and optimize production data in order to reduce waste and save costs.
Solutions for track operation
Automated weighing solutions in the track area include various technologies and devices that improve the efficiency and accuracy of weighing. They are designed to perform precise weight measurements while optimizing workflows.
Solutions for yard control/
Yard management
ESSMANN Yard Management includes the planning, coordination and control of assets such as trucks, trailers, shipments and personnel within the dock and yard of a facility. Our solutions between transport logistics and warehouse logistics aim to organize processes efficiently and cost-effectively.

“Wir gehören zu den wenigen Waagenbaubetrieben, die ihre Software inhouse entwickeln. Dass wir individuelle Anpassungsmöglichkeiten anbieten können, ist ein Gewinn für unsere Kunden.”
– René Teichmann, Geschäftsführer ESSMANN | Waagen & Automation
Scale builder tip: EWP Suite
Do you need weighing software that can do more than just weigh vehicles or goods? Take a look at our EWP solutions and see for yourself the functions and options that have matured through years of development.

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for industry?
Please feel free to contact us.
ESSMANN Automation is a Microsoft partner for cloud, hardware and software technologies