ESSMANN track scales

Dynamic track scales | Dynamic track checkweigher | Static track scales | Combined track scales

ESSMANN track scales for static and dynamic weighing of track vehicles

Rail scales are used at locations where rail vehicles are loaded or unloaded to determine the weight of the load.

There are different types of rail scales, including static and dynamic scales. Static scales require the train to be stopped for weighing, while dynamic scales can measure the weight of individual wagons while moving slowly. There are also combined rail-road vehicle scales that can be used for both rail and road vehicles. With the ESSMANN UIC number recognition the weight data is automatically assigned to the wagons.

Dynamic rail scales

Dynamic rail vehicle scales for weighing during slow travel. Without foundation, therefore quick, uncomplicated and inexpensive installation. The foundationless track scales are mounted directly on a compacted ballast bed.

Dynamic checkweigher

Dynamic rail vehicle checkweigher directly on the track. Weighing during the journey is used for fully automatic monitoring of wagon loads and weights.

Static rail scales

Standard weighing system with rails on a weighing bridge. This system is used for static weighing, e.g. for loading tank wagons and bulk goods wagons. The GSW variant is a hybrid rail/road vehicle scale for both wagons and trucks.

Standard weighing system with rails on a weighing bridge. This system is used for static weighing, e.g. for loading tank wagons and bulk goods wagons. The GSW variant is a hybrid rail/road vehicle scale for both wagons and trucks.

Julian Henzler, Rhenus Logistics

“In the Rhine-Neckar region, we at Rhenus Logistics 12 truck and rail scales, which were completely supplied, installed and calibrated by ESSMANN . We also have our transshipment scales in our grain stores. Always a great organization and cooperation!”

– Julian Henzler, Head of Infrastructure, Rhenus Logistics

Scale builder tip: Ask the experts

Not sure which rail scales are suitable for your requirements? Do you need to know which conditions must be met in order to use track scales in your company? Do you have questions about installation on the track? Talk to our experienced track scales experts. We will be able to answer all your questions.

Requirements for a rail scale: reliability even under difficult conditions

A rail scale has to be built to last and deliver reliable results even if it has to work for a long time under adverse environmental conditions, such as extreme temperatures or temperature fluctuations, snow and heavy soiling, or even under high and constant loading and unloading. It should be low-maintenance and easy to clean. In addition, the weighing process should not take an unnecessarily long time and literally hold up operations.
The software for operating the scale and transferring the weighing data for evaluation or system control must also be robust and reliable, quick and easy to operate, secure and uncomplicated to connect to a company’s existing IT systems, such as our ESSMANN weighing applications, which can work locally, in the network and in the cloud*.

Precise weighing as a factor in profit maximization

The use of a calibrated fast rail scale can be a game changer for a company that regularly delivers or receives thousands of tons of goods. The precision of highly accurate weighing of all types of goods on ESSMANN rail scales leads to exact knowledge of the quantities loaded and to more optimal operational processes. The robustness, durability and maintenance-free nature of ESSMANN track scales also lead to a high level of long-term planning reliability.

Articles about truck scales in the Scales Magazine

Dynamic track scales: types and their advantages and disadvantages

Dynamic track scales: types and their advantages and disadvantages Dynamic track scales determine the weight of wagons as they pass over the scales. There are …

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Static rail scales for loading gas

ESSMANN | Waagen & Automation specializes in the development and manufacture of static and dynamic rail scales. ESSMANN | Waagen & Automation has developed and …

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